Just the FACTS, please!
Math Practice for 4th & 5th Graders
Fact fluency is essential for Mathematics success in 4th and 5th grade. What is FACT FLUENCY? Fact fluency is the ability to read a mathematical equation and provide the answer without hesitation. Fluency is essential with all operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) involving number families of 0 - 10. For example:
5 + 3 = 9 – 2 = 6 x 4 = 42 ÷ 7 =
If a student knows a fact fluently, he or she can read the equation, like the ones above, and provide the answer immediately following the problem just as if he or she were reading the problems below. In other words, a student should be able to read either list, above or below, correctly and at the same rate if he or she knows the facts fluently.
5 + 3 = 8 9 – 2 = 7 6 x 4 = 24 42 ÷ 7 = 6
Math fluency is similar to reading fluency. To be a fluent reader, you simply read the words without having to sound them out. To be a fluent calculator, you simply read the problem followed by an answer without using strategies, such as finger or skip counting, to solve the problems.
If you are fluent, you know the facts from memory.
Math problems progressively get more complicated as we progress through school. Students need time to solve these more complex problems. If their time is spent calculating basic facts, then time is lost for the more complex calculations that are required to solve more challenging problems.
Practice to increase fluency. Once fluency is reached, speed should be practiced. The faster you know your facts, the more time you have to focus on calculations that are involved in more complex problems.
Create Flash Cards – never stare at a list of problems and answers and assume they will be learned. Flashcards cover answers for you to practice giving the answers as quickly as you can. Use the list of multiplication and division facts at the links above and below to create your cards and "Flash Fast" using the instructions below:
How to "Flash Fast":
Take timed tests – Our goal is 100 mixed problems with 80% accuracy in 5 minutes for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Use facts tests to check your fluency rate. http://www.math-drills.com/multiplication.shtml and http://www.math-drills.com/division.shtml are great sites for many multiplication and division test versions. Search around the site (links on right side bar) for addition, subtraction, and division pages as well.
Math Practice for 4th & 5th Graders
Fact fluency is essential for Mathematics success in 4th and 5th grade. What is FACT FLUENCY? Fact fluency is the ability to read a mathematical equation and provide the answer without hesitation. Fluency is essential with all operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) involving number families of 0 - 10. For example:
5 + 3 = 9 – 2 = 6 x 4 = 42 ÷ 7 =
If a student knows a fact fluently, he or she can read the equation, like the ones above, and provide the answer immediately following the problem just as if he or she were reading the problems below. In other words, a student should be able to read either list, above or below, correctly and at the same rate if he or she knows the facts fluently.
5 + 3 = 8 9 – 2 = 7 6 x 4 = 24 42 ÷ 7 = 6
Math fluency is similar to reading fluency. To be a fluent reader, you simply read the words without having to sound them out. To be a fluent calculator, you simply read the problem followed by an answer without using strategies, such as finger or skip counting, to solve the problems.
If you are fluent, you know the facts from memory.
Math problems progressively get more complicated as we progress through school. Students need time to solve these more complex problems. If their time is spent calculating basic facts, then time is lost for the more complex calculations that are required to solve more challenging problems.
Practice to increase fluency. Once fluency is reached, speed should be practiced. The faster you know your facts, the more time you have to focus on calculations that are involved in more complex problems.
Create Flash Cards – never stare at a list of problems and answers and assume they will be learned. Flashcards cover answers for you to practice giving the answers as quickly as you can. Use the list of multiplication and division facts at the links above and below to create your cards and "Flash Fast" using the instructions below:
How to "Flash Fast":
- Create flashcards on index cards or other paper by writing the problem on one side and the answer on the other.
- Shuffle cards.
- Read the problem on the front of the card out loud.
- If you can say the answer to the problem within 3 seconds, place the card into a “fast” pile.
- If you cannot say the answer to the problem within 3 seconds, read the problem and the answer 3 times from the card, then place the card into a “slow” pile.
- Repeat steps 2-5 with the cards in the “slow” pile until mastered.
Take timed tests – Our goal is 100 mixed problems with 80% accuracy in 5 minutes for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Use facts tests to check your fluency rate. http://www.math-drills.com/multiplication.shtml and http://www.math-drills.com/division.shtml are great sites for many multiplication and division test versions. Search around the site (links on right side bar) for addition, subtraction, and division pages as well.
Websites - Listed below are links to Math practice Websites that will help you master your math facts and concepts:
MULTIPLICATION.COM - This is a great facts practice site full of auto-scored quizzes, games, and learning videos. Each student has an account for basic access.
MULTIPLICATION.COM - This is a great facts practice site full of auto-scored quizzes, games, and learning videos. Each student has an account for basic access.
IXL - When logging into our Calhoun County IXL page, students can go to the third grade page to study multiplication and division fluency.
QUIZLET - An electronic flashcard Website designed to provide students with electronic facts practice resources specifically aligned to our weekly math facts testing topics. These resources include flashcards, speed and accuracy games, and practice tests.
GREG TANG MATH - A Website created by author and mathematician, Greg Tang, designed to help students increase their computational and problem-solving skills. Be sure to use the Kakooma X app or link for additional facts practice along with Satisfraction and Expresso for additional fraction and order of operations practice.
MATH MAGICIAN - An electronic facts practice Website designed to provide times practice using the 4 basic operations.