SES 4th Grade E-Day, Friday, March 24, 2017
E-Day instructions:
All of today's assignments are listed below. READ everything IN ORDER - do NOT skip around. You do not have to complete everything on E-Day, but do spend the listed amount of time for each section. Each section, as mentioned in class on Thursday, is set up like our daily schedule. Have fun learning, make wise choices, and enjoy your day. Happy E-learning!
Mrs. B McFry
All of today's assignments are listed below. READ everything IN ORDER - do NOT skip around. You do not have to complete everything on E-Day, but do spend the listed amount of time for each section. Each section, as mentioned in class on Thursday, is set up like our daily schedule. Have fun learning, make wise choices, and enjoy your day. Happy E-learning!
Mrs. B McFry
7:30 - 8:00 – HOMEROOM – Breakfast & Character Ed. Lesson (30 minutes)
After you eat breakfast, begin today's learning with the homeroom assignment:
Today’s Character Ed. word is courage.
One online dictionary defines the word, courage, as follows:
the ability to face fear or danger; bravery.
It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in.
After you eat breakfast, begin today's learning with the homeroom assignment:
Today’s Character Ed. word is courage.
One online dictionary defines the word, courage, as follows:
the ability to face fear or danger; bravery.
It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in.
Watch the video of courage below.
When you are finished exploring the definition of courage using the definition of courage button above and have watched the courage video, complete the courage assignment below:
8:00 - 8:50 – STRATEGIES – Math Facts & Reading Practice (50 minutes)
* Complete 25 minutes of Math facts practice (see the PRACTICE tab above for ideas how).
NOTE: If you are a Grand Ace, you may choose to spend this entire time reading.
* Complete 25 minutes of reading your AR books.
NOTE: If you have already met your 4th nine week's AR goals, you may spend this entire
time practicing your Math facts. If you accidentally left your AR books at school,
you may read any books from home. If this is not possible, study your Math facts.
On what Math facts did you focus? _______________________________________________
What books did you read? _____________________________________________________
(Save your answers to these two questions for the quiz at the end of the day.)
* Complete 25 minutes of Math facts practice (see the PRACTICE tab above for ideas how).
NOTE: If you are a Grand Ace, you may choose to spend this entire time reading.
* Complete 25 minutes of reading your AR books.
NOTE: If you have already met your 4th nine week's AR goals, you may spend this entire
time practicing your Math facts. If you accidentally left your AR books at school,
you may read any books from home. If this is not possible, study your Math facts.
On what Math facts did you focus? _______________________________________________
What books did you read? _____________________________________________________
(Save your answers to these two questions for the quiz at the end of the day.)
8:50 - 9:50 – 1st Period (55 min with a 5 minute break)
Stride MATH - KCC76969a
Click on the STRIDE link, enter the KCC code, choose your name, then begin working on Math.
Stride MATH - KCC76969a
Click on the STRIDE link, enter the KCC code, choose your name, then begin working on Math.
9:50 - 10:50 – 2nd Period (55 min with a 5 minute break)
Click on the IXL link, enter your username and password, then complete SOME activities from the following list of 4th grade READING topics. Choose the ones that you want to learn the most about. Be sure to read the explanations to any problems that you get wrong before moving on to the next problem. Answer all questions by yourself. Remember to try your best. You may ask for parent help with the explanations for any questions that you get wrong if you still do not understand the explanations after you have read them twice.
Context clues
ZZ.1Find words using context
ZZ.2Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
ZZ.3Use context to identify the meaning of a word
ZZ.4Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with picture
Compare and contrast texts
HHH.1Compare information from two texts
Point of view
OOO.1Identify the narrative point of view
OOO.2Distinguish characters' points of view
Reasons and support
FFF.1Choose reasons to support an opinion
FFF.2Identify supporting details in literary texts
FFF.3Identify supporting details in informational texts
Figurative language
QQQ.1Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 1
QQQ.2Identify the meaning of idioms and adages: set 1
QQQ.3Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 2
QQQ.4Identify the meaning of idioms and adages: set 2
QQQ.5Similes and metaphors with pictures
QQQ.6Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors
QQQ.7Identify similes and metaphors
QQQ.8Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source
QQQ.9Analyze the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone
Text structure
KKK.1Compare and contrast in informational texts
KKK.2Match problems with their solutions
KKK.3Match causes with their effects
KKK.4Determine the order of events in informational texts
KKK.5Identify text structures
Click on the IXL link, enter your username and password, then complete SOME activities from the following list of 4th grade READING topics. Choose the ones that you want to learn the most about. Be sure to read the explanations to any problems that you get wrong before moving on to the next problem. Answer all questions by yourself. Remember to try your best. You may ask for parent help with the explanations for any questions that you get wrong if you still do not understand the explanations after you have read them twice.
Context clues
ZZ.1Find words using context
ZZ.2Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
ZZ.3Use context to identify the meaning of a word
ZZ.4Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with picture
Compare and contrast texts
HHH.1Compare information from two texts
Point of view
OOO.1Identify the narrative point of view
OOO.2Distinguish characters' points of view
Reasons and support
FFF.1Choose reasons to support an opinion
FFF.2Identify supporting details in literary texts
FFF.3Identify supporting details in informational texts
Figurative language
QQQ.1Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 1
QQQ.2Identify the meaning of idioms and adages: set 1
QQQ.3Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 2
QQQ.4Identify the meaning of idioms and adages: set 2
QQQ.5Similes and metaphors with pictures
QQQ.6Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors
QQQ.7Identify similes and metaphors
QQQ.8Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source
QQQ.9Analyze the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone
Text structure
KKK.1Compare and contrast in informational texts
KKK.2Match problems with their solutions
KKK.3Match causes with their effects
KKK.4Determine the order of events in informational texts
KKK.5Identify text structures
10:50 - 11:50 – 3rd Period (55 min with 5 minutes for breaks)
Click on the IXL link, enter your username and password, then complete SOME activities from the following list of 4th grade MATH topics. Choose the ones that you want to learn the most about. Use scratch paper to work out your problems. Be sure to read the explanations to any of the problems that you get wrong before moving on to the next problem. Work all problems by yourself. Remember to try your best. You may ask for parent help with the explanations for any problems that you get wrong if you still do not understand the explanations after you have read them twice.
C.1 Subtract numbers up to millions
D.15 Box multiplication
D.23 Multiply a 2-digit number by a larger number: word problems
D.27 Multiply three or more numbers: word problems
E.2 Division facts to 12: word problems
E.5 Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers: word problems
E.9 Divide larger numbers by 1-digit numbers: word problem
Mixed operations
F.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide
F.2 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems
F.6 Multi-step word problems
Data and graphs
J.1 Read a table
J.2 Interpret line graphs
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
Q.5 Add fractions with like denominators
Q.7 Subtract fractions with like denominators
Q.11 Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problems
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
R.1 Add fractions with unlike denominators using models
R.2 Add fractions with unlike denominators
Multiply fractions
S.1 Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines
S.3 Multiples of fractions
Add and subtract decimals
U.1 Add decimal numbers
U.2 Subtract decimal numbers
U.3 Add and subtract decimals: word problems
Triangles and quadrilaterals
X.3 Classify triangles
X.4 Classify quadrilaterals
Geometric measurement
BB.9 Area and perimeter: word problems
Click on the IXL link, enter your username and password, then complete SOME activities from the following list of 4th grade MATH topics. Choose the ones that you want to learn the most about. Use scratch paper to work out your problems. Be sure to read the explanations to any of the problems that you get wrong before moving on to the next problem. Work all problems by yourself. Remember to try your best. You may ask for parent help with the explanations for any problems that you get wrong if you still do not understand the explanations after you have read them twice.
C.1 Subtract numbers up to millions
D.15 Box multiplication
D.23 Multiply a 2-digit number by a larger number: word problems
D.27 Multiply three or more numbers: word problems
E.2 Division facts to 12: word problems
E.5 Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers: word problems
E.9 Divide larger numbers by 1-digit numbers: word problem
Mixed operations
F.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide
F.2 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems
F.6 Multi-step word problems
Data and graphs
J.1 Read a table
J.2 Interpret line graphs
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
Q.5 Add fractions with like denominators
Q.7 Subtract fractions with like denominators
Q.11 Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problems
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
R.1 Add fractions with unlike denominators using models
R.2 Add fractions with unlike denominators
Multiply fractions
S.1 Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines
S.3 Multiples of fractions
Add and subtract decimals
U.1 Add decimal numbers
U.2 Subtract decimal numbers
U.3 Add and subtract decimals: word problems
Triangles and quadrilaterals
X.3 Classify triangles
X.4 Classify quadrilaterals
Geometric measurement
BB.9 Area and perimeter: word problems
11:50 - 12:40 – Lunch and Restroom Break (50 minutes)
What did you eat for lunch?
(Save your answers to this question for the quiz at the end of the day.)
What did you eat for lunch?
(Save your answers to this question for the quiz at the end of the day.)
12:40 - 1:40 – 4th Period (55 min with 5 minutes for breaks)
Stride READING - KCC76969a
Click on the STRIDE link, enter the KCC code, choose your name, then begin working on Reading.
Stride READING - KCC76969a
Click on the STRIDE link, enter the KCC code, choose your name, then begin working on Reading.
1:40 - 1:50 – Leadership Time (10 minutes)
How was your behavior today? Did you receive any marks? If so, what ones?
(Save your answers to these three questions for the quiz at the end of the day.)
How was your behavior today? Did you receive any marks? If so, what ones?
(Save your answers to these three questions for the quiz at the end of the day.)
1:50 - 2:45 – P.E. – Play Time (55 minutes)
Describe what you did for P.E. Did you play with anyone? If so, who? What was it that you played?
(Save your answers to these four questions for the quiz at the end of the day.)
Describe what you did for P.E. Did you play with anyone? If so, who? What was it that you played?
(Save your answers to these four questions for the quiz at the end of the day.)
2:45 - 3:00 - Prepare for Dismissal (15 minutes)
When your work for the day is done, take the E-Day Quiz below.
When your work for the day is done, take the E-Day Quiz below.
Bonus –
Choose any of the following to complete as bonuses or as extra practice as needed:
Choose any of the following to complete as bonuses or as extra practice as needed:
- Complete more IXL Math and Language Arts Sections than class time allowed.
- Complete more STRIDE Math and Language Arts Sections than class time allowed.
- Write about how you spent your entire Spring Break. Use details in your writing to describe the events from each day of the break. Use words that help the reader visualize your week. (Type this bonus in the bonus form below.)
- Practice your multiplication and division Math facts for longer than the assigned time. Take a timed quiz when you are done (see attached copies) to check your progress.
- Explore your world. Check out your home, neighborhood, or travel location from a SCIENTIST’s, MATHEMATICIAN’s, READER’s, or HISTORIAN’s point of view. Write a story about your discoveries. (Type this bonus in the bonus form below.)
- Visit somewhere that has a device and free wi-fi. Check out our online E-Day assignments at